Top 10 Best Dog Breeds In India With Price | Large , Medium & Small Dogs | Dog Price In India

The price of any dog mostly depends on three things:

  1. Quality
  2. Purity of Breed
  3. Location


If the quality of any dog is not good then it will cost very less than the original price. So, Be sure about the quality. The dog which you want to buy should be of good quality.

Purity of Breed

Pure Dog Breed costs more than other dogs. Most people get tricked into it. So, also be aware of the Purity of breed.


Don't spend extra money on traveling. Try to buy those dogs which are present in your Locality.

Large Dog Breeds

#1 Labrador Retriever

Beautiful Labrador Retriever puppy image

Rs. 5,000 - Rs. 25,000

The Price of Labrador Puppy starts from Rs. 5,000 and goes up to Rs. 25000 But Now, The price will depend on its quality. The price of a heavy bone and pure Labrador breed can go up to Rs. 15,000. Labrador's puppy price can be different in different cities.

Specialties of Labrador Breed

Labrador is one of the best and most popular dog breeds in the world. It is one of the best dog breeds for families.

How to Identify a Pure Labrador?

In any pure Labrador breed, These three qualities must be present. You can easily identify a puppy that is a pure Labrador breed or not?

  1. Color
  2. Ear
  3. Tail


Labrador is mostly found in Black, yellow, and chocolate colors.
Labrador is mostly found in Black, yellow, and chocolate colors.


Their ears are tilted downwards and cling to the cheeks.


Their tail is straightforward and is not bent anywhere and a pure Labrador will not have a curled tail.

#2 Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever dog image

Rs. 15,000 - Rs. 30,000

Golden Retriever will cost you a little bit expensive, if you get it cheaply, then understand that there is something wrong with this breed. Golden Retriever’s puppy can be found in India between 15000Rs to 30000Rs. Golden Retriever is the best dog as a pet.

There are two different types of Golden Retriever found:

  1. English Golden Retriever
  2. American Golden Retriever

English Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Puppy

If you are going to buy a pure English Golden Retriever which is of white and cream color and which has good health and is also good at seeing, then you will get it between 25000Rs to 30000Rs. If you also want to take it with KCI papers, then it can go up to 30000Rs.

American Golden Retriever

couple of American golden retriever

If you want to buy an American Golden Retriever which is of golden color, then its price can go from 20,000 to 30,000 Rs.

#3 German Shepherd

title="German Shepherd puppy" alt="German Shepherd puppy"

Rs. 5,000 - Rs. 25,000

The price of German Shepherd goes from 5000 to 25000Rs but if you want to take German Shepherd of Champion line then its price can also go up to lakhs. German Shepherd is the best dog breed in India.

German Shepherd are found in two different types of Coats:

  1. Short Coat
  2. Double Coat

German Shepherd with short coat

German Shepherd with Short coat

If you are going to buy a pure English Golden Retriever which is of white and cream color and which has good health and is also good at seeing, then you will get it between 25000Rs to 30000Rs. If you also want to take it with KCI papers, then it can go up to 30000Rs.

German Shepherd with double coat

For a double coat German Shepherd, You may have to pay from Rs.15,000 to Rs.25,000 with KCI papers.

#4 Rottweiler

Rottwieler Puppy price in India

Rs. 10,000 - Rs. 25,000

The price of a Rottweiler can go from Rs.10,000 to Rs.25,000. If you want to buy a Rottweiler to pet at home and do not want to show anyone, then a good quality puppy will be available from Rs.10,000 to Rs.15,000.

Muscular Rottweiler Dog Breed

If you want to buy a puppy that looks good, then you will have to pay from Rs.15,000 to Rs.20,000.

When to Buy a Rottweiler?

If you have decided to buy a Rottweiler, then you should buy a puppy of Rottweiler which is not older than 45 days. The Rottweiler is an aggressive dog. If you bring it to your home in childhood, then there will be no problem in raising a Rottweiler puppy.

#5 Pit bull Dog Breed

Healthy Pit bull Puppy

Rs. 15,000 - Rs. 30,000

In India, the good quality of Pit bull can be found between Rs.15,000 to Rs.30,000. Pit bull dogs have a high activity level. Pit bull is the best dog breed in the Indian climate.

People think that Pit bull is very dangerous and would attack anyone, but not at all if you get a Pit bull from childhood, then such problems will not come.

Medium Dog Breeds

#6 Indian Spitz

Indian Spitz Puppy

Rs. 2,000 - Rs. 6,000

Anyone can afford Indian Spitz easily, The good quality of Indian Spitz's price can be found from 2,000Rs to 6,000Rs Only. The price of Indian Spitz with good fur quality, height, and health and it is also active can go up to 5000Rs Only. Its maintenance is also very easy and its diet is very simple; you do not have to spend much money on it.

#7 Bull Dog

Health Bull Dog Breed

Rs. 20,000 - Rs. 50,000

In India, The price of Bulldog can go from 20,000Rs to 50,000Rs. Bulldog prices are very high in India. It is not fit for a small apartment. The Bulldog needs a lot of exercise. Due to less exercise, There can be health-related problems.

#8 Pomeranian Dog Breed

Pomeranian Dog Breed

Rs. 3,000 - Rs. 30,000

Pomeranian dog's price in India can vary from Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 30,000. Pomeranian is a medium-size dog breed. Indian Spitz and Pomeranian both look the same but there are some differences between them. Pomeranian is good for a first-time owner. They are friendly to the children. Pomeranian can also be used as a watchdog. Pomeranian is active, compact, and a family-friendly dog.


Beautiful Pomeranian Dog Breed

Pomeranian belongs to the Spitz family and has the smallest dog in it. Pomeranian dogs are intelligent, agile, and loyal to their owners. Poms are small on seeing but talking about their thinking then they think that they are large dogs which they are which sometimes leads to attack much larger dogs. If Poms are properly socialized with other animals then they become quite well with each other. Pomeranian is also the best dog breed for home.

Small Dog Breeds

#9 Pug Dog Breed

Pug Dog Breed

Rs. 5,000 - Rs. 25,000

The price of a pug can vary from 5,000 to 15,000. A good quality pug with the wrinkled face can easily be available up to Rs. 10,000. You should buy a Pug from the best dog breeders. Pug is the best small dog for kids.

Vodafone Ads

Pug Dog Breed

The dog which Vodafone uses for their ad is a pug dog that’s why it is also called a pug dog. Pug is also a toy breed. There is a specialty in pug dogs that it does not leave you alone as it is shown in Vodafone ads. They are very happy dogs. Pug is also the best dog breed for babies.

#10 Beagle Dog Breed

Rs. 15,000 - Rs. 30,000

The price of Beagle can vary from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 30,000. Beagles are also good for children.

Beagle Dog Breed

They are hunting dogs and used for chasing rabbits and hare But Beagles are found to be difficult in house-training. Sometimes it may take up to a year to become fully trained. They don't like to be alone. Beagle is one of the best dogs to own at home.

Here are the Benefits of KCI Registration | KCI Dog Show | Kennel Club of India

I am not doing this and that because of government issues, I don't want to get stuck in any case. Many people say this sentence. When we talk about government paper then we get nervous and sometimes, we think that my dog is not pure due to being non KCI registered but this not correct. KCI papers are not only the proof for the purity of any dog breed.
So, we will talk about government papers of dog. Whether it should be needed for you or not. Sometimes, Many people think that KCI dog registration is a complicated process but it is not true. The KCI registration process is quite simple and easy.

What is KCI?

The full form of KCI is Kennel Club Of India.
As, the government has all the records of its countrymen and all the people of country have identity of citizenship. Similarly, This also happens in the case of animals and dogs. They have all the records and history of dogs.

What is the importance of KCI registration?

Those people who want their dog to participate in dog show then they need to register their dog in KCI, Without registration it can prove illegal.

There are two types of dog show 

  • KCI dog show
  • Open show 

KCI dog show
KCI dog show takes place on a large scale. People from all over India and also from outside of India come to this dog show. Only KCI registered dog can participate in this show, in which huge medals and prizes are also given.  

Open Dog Show
Open show takes place in the village area. KCI registered dog is not required to participate in this dog show. You can participate your dog in this dog show even without registration.

For breeders

If you are a breeder of dogs and sell them you should also register your dog in KCI because there will be no problem in selling  them and KCI registered Dog also cost more than Non-KCI Dogs.

KCI certificate

When you register your dog in KCI then you get a certificate of your dog from KCI in which all the details of your dog are filled.
 Information about registration no., Name, sex, DOB, and breed, etc. all are written in KCI. 
 The names of the ancestors of the dog is also provided in this certificate.

How to get your dog registered with KCI in india?

There is a website of KCI where you will have to fill the form about the information of your dog. But there is a condition that pup's mother and father should also be registered in KCI only then your dog will be fully approved.

What to do when the pup's mother and father Or either one of them are not registered in KCI?
In this case also, you can get your dog registered but the link of generation will start from this pup.

Microchip for dogs

After registration of your dog, KCI will send microchip for your dog. You will have to inject it either in the shoulder or neck.
All the data of your dog will be available in this microchip. By scanning it they can know all the history and records of your dog that In how many dogs show your dog has been participated?  & How many prizes he has won?

Which Is The Best Dog To Own In India?

You say, you want a pet! We will see full description about 'which one is best dog for you?'

Don't go to buy a dog breed without any research. First you will have to give the answer.

Why are you buying a dog?
  • Because of interest
  • For guarding
  • For helping

It is seen that most of people buy dogs only because of interest, if you are also buying the dog due to interest, then you must want a good looking & beautiful dog. But the price of a good looking dog goes above 1 lac which is too high for normal family.

Low price
I have seen in India that most people try to buy more & good goods at a lower price and if you are living in India then you must have heard this sentence that 'I want high profit at low cost. This is formulae of Indian businessman. So, here I will also apply this formulae that 'Which can be the best dog at a lowest price Or maintenance?'

#1 Indian Spitz

Indian Spitz has furry coat and small in size.  So, Children can play with them. This dog is suitable for old aged people. Although they live very well with children too, but when children bother them more, they get a little angry. One of the reason to listed Indian Spitz here, because of its beauty. It is also a budget friendly dog. This dog is much more beautiful and small in appearance.
 By the way, it is mostly found in white color and white color is the most preferred color. Indian Spitz is extremely intelligent and energetic dog breed. The price of Indian Spitz ranges from 1k to 8k.

#2 Labrador

Labrador are the best swimmers. 
The most rated dog breed is a labrador. 
Labrador is a healthy dog. They are also silent warriors of Indian army.
Labrador retriever is ranked first according to American Kennel club.

Labrador is one the most popular dog breed in the world according to AKC. It is intelligent, playful and friendly dog breed.
How to identify a pure labrador?
There may be misconceptions with you before buying a labrador puppy because many dog seller cheat a lot.
If a dog looks exactly like a labrador then it doesn't mean that he is pure labrador dog.

See all these qualities before buying a labrador puppy

1. Labra's tail
If you are living in India then you must have listened this sentence that 'A dog's tail cannot be straight' but here this idiom fails. Because a pure labrador has straight tail. The tail of labrador's tail is not curved like other dogs but it can be up and down or tilted from his body.
Don't you believe? that labrador puppies have straight tail then buy a pure labrador and see the straight tail.

2.Labra's ear
Many people think that there should be a speciality or good knowledge of identifing a pure dog breed and there should be a lot of information about the dog but it is not so, Because identification of pure labrador is not a difficult task. I believe you that you can do it easily by just reading it only.
Labrador's ears should stick to his face and it must be hanging just like an elephant. It should not pointed upwards or bent in shape.

3.Labra's colour 
Sometimes, you would have seen or realise that the structure of face of father & son is same but the difference is of color.
Similarly, a dog would look exactly like a labrador but it will not be pure because of color.

  • Color
There is a speciality in labrador that it is not the mixture of color. The entire body of labrador is only in one color.
Labrador is mainly found in black, chocalte or yellow in color.

  • White Spot
If a labrador is black in color then a single hair of this black coloured labrador can not be white or other than black. If you find a spot other than black then that dog would not be pure. Mostly these spots are present below the neck of the Labrador. See these spots carefully under the neck of puppy.

  • Thug Of Hindustan
But The dog seller is much smarter than us, they show a lot of sense, that is why Aamir Khan released a film 'Thugs of Hindustan' for them that 'How Thugs cheat with us'.

  • Dyeing
Dog Seller dyes white spots with black color, due to which you will not be able to see white spots.  But you too are not less than them. Show a little sense that we are also smart. If he dyes with black color then you do not need to be panic because instead of dyeing white spots with black colour, It looks a bit different like light brown or honey type color but it is the difficult task to find brown color in  the black coloured body.

  • Paw
The other way for identification of pure breed is that 'See their paws also' if a labrador is black in color then even the hair of his paws will also be black in  color and similarly it also happens with those two colours brown and chocolate.

 4. labra's jaw
I like labrador by it's jaw also. There is speciality in labra's jaw. A pure labra's lower jaw should be  covered by upper jaw and it should be thick.

Labrador was bred as a helper of fisherman to retrieve the fish and net from the pond. Labrador has good tendency to swim. It is also known as best swimmers Or waterdog. Labra's paw is designed is like a duck's leg which helps a lot in swimming.

#2 Collie Dog

If you really want a beautiful and unique dog, No matter How much is it cost? , then you should buy a Collie dog breed.

The second beautiful dog breed is Collie dog. Collie have a long coat which looks very nice on his body. Collie has made a place in northern midwest farm because of his rough and long coat. Collie was bred for herding sheep's, Don't worry because the amount of hunting of Collie dog can be controlled by simple training. After training, there will be no chance to harm another animal.

Shy Dog
They blush too much and should be socialized to reduce shyness. Collie dogs are not included in the agressive dog breed. Their barking can be controlled very easily. Collie dog breeds are also known as 'The Freind Of Children'.

Talking about tgeir health , generally they are healthy dog breed but there is genetic health disease which is 'Collie Eye Anomaly' causes improper development of eye and can also increased to blindness. So, keep these things in mind before buying this dog breed.

But the problem with this dog that it is difficult to find in India. If you get this dog breed in any shop then I will suggest you to buy this dog breed.
The price of this dog breed ranges from 25 to 30k.


If you are interested in miraculous activities and you want a dog with which you can show the miraculousness then buy one this dog breed which are descripted here.

#1 Bergamasco shepherd

I think you have never seen this type of strange dog breed in India.  Bergamasco shepherd dog is known for its long, rope type coat. It looks like Sheep and It seems that this dog is a toy of rope. You must be thinking that if Bergamasco Shepherd's hair is so big then there will be a lot of problem in grooming their hair.  But you do not need to be panic because bergamasco shepherd does not need a lot of grooming.

 Bergamasco shepherd is calm, patient, intelligent, attentive, friendly and socialable dog but the problem is the same that you can hardly find this dog breed in India.
 If you really want this dog breed then you can travel the dog from Italy or you can talk to traveller of dogs.
 The price of bergamasco shepherd is from 50k to  k.

Common problems with Dogs

Hair fall
Everyone from human to animal is disturbed with the problem of hair fall, Even labrador has hair fall problem.
The problem of hair fall is also due to the change in weather and season

Why hair fall occurs?

  • Don't give the chocolate and sweets to your dog.
  • Apply such oil to your dog which contains Salmon, Sunflower and Olive oil
  • Don't use anti tick shampoo a lot Because it will cause dry skin and hairfall

This problem is common in most of the dogs. Anyway, Labrador is a healthy dog ​​breed as much you will feed your labrador a good and tasty food that much he will eat.

But wait! Are you doing the same with your dog?
 Sometimes, we become very happy that our dog is eating very well and he will become a healthy dog ​​but we do not care what kind of food we are giving them. No matter, how much you love your dog, but you cannot put him in that condition so that he has a pain.
 Give your dog multivitamin food rather than tasty and spicy food.

Solution of Overweight

  • Try not to give those food which your dog likes more (chicken, mutton etc.)

  • You can give these spicy and tasty food once a week.
  • Take your dogs on morning walk daily

Separation anxiety
Leave talking about the separation anxiety of dogs, Even I dislike to be alone. Separation anxiety can develop the feeling of Capraphogia in dogs.
Do you know 'What is Capraphogia?'
Capraphogia is a disease in which Dogs start to eat their own poop.
Therefore, Do not leave your dog alone.

Punjabi Dog | King Of Fastest Dogs | Punjabi greyhound dog

Oye hud Punjabi !  Tuhanu Pyar karda.  I like Punjabi language and guys also. I have also Punjabis friend. They all are wrestler and gymnastics. I thought their dog would also be strong like them & they would make their dogs firm and massy by feeding their Punjabi dogs a lot.

The river of Passion

Punjab is made from two words of farsi. Punj and aab. 'Punj' means 'five' and  'aab' is water. As you know very well why it is called as Punjab . Because five river flows in the land of Punjab. But I think it should be named as 'Sheeshaab'. 'Sheesh' meaning six and 'Aab' is water. people forgot one of river that flows in the veins of Punjabis youngster 'The river of Passion'. Their passion flows with their blood.

Best Dog Lover

I was not writing an article on this topic because I thought that Punjabi would not pet dogs and they would not be interested in petting a dog but I was proved to be wrong. Now I think that Punjabi should be awarded by the prize of 'Best Dog Lovers'. They consider their punjabi dog to be their pride. They train their dogs very much and make ready for 'Dog racing'. Every punjabi tries to join and wants to win this race. Punjabi greyhounds are the 'King Of Fastest Dog'.They run with very high speed. They are also known as 'Ferrari of Dogs'.

Punjabi Greyhound Dogs

Most famous Punjabi dog is Punjabi Greyhound Dog. It would be wrong to call them a Punjabi Dogs because they are not actually Punjabi Dogs because
Their real origin is not from Punjab. They are originated from Europe But dogs of this breed are mostly found in Punjab. Punjabis like this type of dog breed a lot. In rural areas there are a lots of Punjabi Greyhound dogs.
Their head is very short and thin and the neck is also long, they are long in front, they are slightly thick in the middle,and have deep chest they are very well designed, which looks very good. They are included in the category of large dog breed.

  • Height and weight: Punjabi Dogs can weigh from 25 to 40 kg and their height is from 27 to 30 inches.
  • Litter-size: 1 to 12 puppies
  • Life-span: 10 to 15 years.

Why are Greyhounds called Punjabi Dog in Punjab?
Although their origin is from Europe, but due to its high quantity and desire in Punjab, Punjabis started calling it Punjabi greyhound dog. It is also known by the name of Punjabi dogs in Punjab rather than Greyhound. In this article, I will also call them as 'Punjabi Dogs'.
Most of Punjabi people have Punjabi greyhound Dogs in Punjab.

Is it cruelty?

Many people think it is a cruelty to those  Punjabi dogs which are used in Dog racing and think that 'Why do Punjabis train their dog too much and prepare for Dog racing?
No,It's not reality. According to me, it is a right opinion for those dogs to do so much training and exercise because Punjabies say "Punjabi Greyhounds dogs are born to run."  And racing is in their blood. Punjabis keep their dogs well more than their family members and love them. They give food to their dogs which is  better than normal human's food too. 

Punjabi Dogs at home

If it is started to keep Punjabi Greyhounds Dogs at home without any exercise and running then they become a bit lazy and like to sleep more. So it is very important to exercise them otherwise, they can lose their identity. Because the identity of lions is not from his body but from his roar. Similarly,The identity of Punjabi Greyhound Dogs is his Speed. I think it is not cruelty for any dogs.

How Do Punjabi treat their Dog?

‘Do you massage oil daily to your dog?’. I don’t know about you but talking about Punjabis people, They do not let their dog sleep without massaging them with oil.  Punjabi dogs live just like the Nawabs with punjabis people. For Punjabi Dogs, a separate room with a good atmosphere, Bed, Tasty and delicious food, everything is provided in Punjab.

Wishes to be a Punjabi Dogs

Sometimes, I think that I would be a Punjabi greyhound and I would also get oil massage everyday. My body are pressed and I have a separate room.  Every day, I take dishes like Chicken, Tandoori, Masala mutton, curd etc. Even a normal person does not get it. The Punjabi dogs live in punjab like Nawabs. They are also massaged with oil every day.

Invisible Quality of Punjabi Dogs

You must have heard this sentence that people judge books by it cover.  But here, It would be utterly stupid to see the Punjabi Greyhound dogs assessing their strength by looking at their health and size. No matter how thin they are in appearance.  Being thin is one of their specialities. Because of being thin they are very active dog breed. These are very powerful dogs.

Speed of Greyhound Dog

They can run easily and with great speed of 64 to 72 km/hr. I sometimes think that How can they run so fast?  because an old bike of mine used to vibrate at such a speed. Punjabi dogs got the certificate as hunting dogs in heredity.

Dog Racing

The race of Greyhound has been going on since the British era, where it used to chase rabbits, they have dynastic enmity with rabbits.If anywhere the rabbit is seen in any condition then they chase them and try to catch them at any cost. In catching the rabbit they are very expert.

Punjab High Court put a bann on catching the rabbit by Greyhound. Punjabi used to do Dog racing very easily and with passion. But suddenly there was a problem with them that the Punjab court made some restrictions on the Dog racing.

Permission required
Now, they have to follow some rules and regulations for dog racing.
By the way, Punjab high court has no problem with dog racing, but they say that many dog ​​racing is done in Punjab without permission. If you want a dog racing to be done in Punjab then you may have to issue a permission. But in rural areas, thousands of people do 'Dog racing' without permission.

  But Punjabies are very enthusiastic, they live free only after completing their passion.After getting the band, They somehow managed to get out of it. Now, Punjabi greyhound dogs chase the fake machine which is actually a common plate on which the skin of the rabbit is skinned. A man drives a machine and that plate starts running at a very high speed and Greyhound dogs also started to follow it like a leopard. In this manner Punjabi start 'Dog racing'.
Punjabi dogs run so fast that their one jump is equal to 3.5 meters.  The breed of Punjabi greyhound is known for the fastest dog breed in the world.

king of Racer
  Every Punjabi wants to make his punjabi greyhound dog 'The King of Punjab Racing'.
 They have formed a group of greyhound hunters and train all the greyhound together and take them for running daily in their big fields.

They also have finals and semifinals in their race. I think it is more fun to watch races of these dogs than human race. After completing 1 km race, Greyhounds breathe like a truck's engine.

Types of Dog racing

There are two types of racing of greyhound dogs
  • Track racing
  • Coursing

1.Track racing
Track racing is a normal type of racing. You must have seen this race.There is unpaved oval shaped track for every dog and also the arrangements of sitting around this track. There are separate blocks made for each dog. Before starting the race, They are closed in separate blocks. Simultaneously, When door is opened then Punjabi Greyhound Dogs started to run and race begins in this way.

 2. Coursing
This race is mostly take place in rural areas and in the fields, In which a fake animal is made and it is run by a machine and the dog is asked to follow it. It is one kind greedy race.


Before starting the race of these dogs, Punjabi Dog's mouth is tied up by muzzle so that they do not bite each other  while running. The truck is also run over the fields to soften the soil of fields so that the Punjabi dogs do not get scratched while running.

In this way, Punjabis win the prize in dog racing and earn a big name. Some of Punjabis take it very seriously and perform it honestly. When it comes to money, there is not much benefit in 'Dog racing' . They only do it to fulfill their passion rather people spend 4-5 lakh in this work.

Why punjabi greyhound run too fast?

 Punjabi dogs follow two steps during running.
 This one speciality  in Greyhound Dog makes them unique amongst all the dog breed.

These steps help Punjabi dogs in running fast.
  • Full extension
  • Double Suspension

 1. Full extension
When Punjabi greyhound dogs are in the position of full extension then their length become more than 2 meter.  Actually, in this position, the Punjabi dog becomes completely straight. Both the legs of Greyhound spread completely, both of their legs reach upto the body level, their angle is slightly less than 180 degrees. At this position, Greyhound comes completely in the air. Full extension position helps Greyhound to form Double suspension position.

 2.Double suspension
In this position, Greyhound's length becomes less than one metre.  In this position, the Punjabi dog becomes like a small mouse, at this position, their back foot makes an angle towards the front foot and their front foot makes an angle towards the back foot. This position helps them take a quantum leap.  In the position of double suspension the greyhound comes on the ground. This position helps Greyhound to come in Full extension position.