Here are the Benefits of KCI Registration | KCI Dog Show | Kennel Club of India

I am not doing this and that because of government issues, I don't want to get stuck in any case. Many people say this sentence. When we talk about government paper then we get nervous and sometimes, we think that my dog is not pure due to being non KCI registered but this not correct. KCI papers are not only the proof for the purity of any dog breed.
So, we will talk about government papers of dog. Whether it should be needed for you or not. Sometimes, Many people think that KCI dog registration is a complicated process but it is not true. The KCI registration process is quite simple and easy.

What is KCI?

The full form of KCI is Kennel Club Of India.
As, the government has all the records of its countrymen and all the people of country have identity of citizenship. Similarly, This also happens in the case of animals and dogs. They have all the records and history of dogs.

What is the importance of KCI registration?

Those people who want their dog to participate in dog show then they need to register their dog in KCI, Without registration it can prove illegal.

There are two types of dog show 

  • KCI dog show
  • Open show 

KCI dog show
KCI dog show takes place on a large scale. People from all over India and also from outside of India come to this dog show. Only KCI registered dog can participate in this show, in which huge medals and prizes are also given.  

Open Dog Show
Open show takes place in the village area. KCI registered dog is not required to participate in this dog show. You can participate your dog in this dog show even without registration.

For breeders

If you are a breeder of dogs and sell them you should also register your dog in KCI because there will be no problem in selling  them and KCI registered Dog also cost more than Non-KCI Dogs.

KCI certificate

When you register your dog in KCI then you get a certificate of your dog from KCI in which all the details of your dog are filled.
 Information about registration no., Name, sex, DOB, and breed, etc. all are written in KCI. 
 The names of the ancestors of the dog is also provided in this certificate.

How to get your dog registered with KCI in india?

There is a website of KCI where you will have to fill the form about the information of your dog. But there is a condition that pup's mother and father should also be registered in KCI only then your dog will be fully approved.

What to do when the pup's mother and father Or either one of them are not registered in KCI?
In this case also, you can get your dog registered but the link of generation will start from this pup.

Microchip for dogs

After registration of your dog, KCI will send microchip for your dog. You will have to inject it either in the shoulder or neck.
All the data of your dog will be available in this microchip. By scanning it they can know all the history and records of your dog that In how many dogs show your dog has been participated?  & How many prizes he has won?

Location: India