Top 10 Dangerous and Dreaded Dog breeds

Dogs are considered to be the most loyal and good friends of human beings. Due to their cleverness and loyalty, people pet them and treat them like a family member.

Cute looking and small size dogs are liked by everyone but most people are fond of such dogs which are very ferocious and dangerous. There are more than 300 different species of dogs in the world, in which some dogs run like a tiger, some dogs are very clever like human beings, some lethal dogs like a wild animals.

In many countries, dogs are given special training to identify thieves. Some special breed of dogs are given at Police, Army, Research and Rescue.

These dogs are very dangerous that at the behest of their owner, they can rip anyone into two parts and kill him. Some of them are best guard dogs.

Dangerous and dreaded species of dog include dogs ranging from large size to machine-like strong jaws, which have such strength that at times when their mind is disturbed then it becomes impossible to control them from their owner also and in such a situation these dogs can prove to be fatal for the people present around them.

Due to the dogs becoming so dangerous and killing many people, The government of many countries have also banned them. In some places, there is a need to get issue a license and certificate on petting such dangerous dogs.

These dogs are not less than a lethal weapon in itself.  Let's know about the dangerous and deadly species of dogs that are found all over the world. On seeing such dogs ,people change their way.

#1  Wolf hybrid

The Wolf Hybrid dog is a species of dog that has been bred between common dog and with a real wild wolf. According to a report by Forbes, the Wolf Hybrid species is among the most powerful and dangerous dogs in the world.

Due to presence of wolf DNA in wolf hybrid dog, their behavior is very similar to that of the wild wolf. The wolf is considered to be the most dangerous animal living in the snowy area and forest.  It is in their nature to kill any animal on seeing it.

It is the courageous task to pet a Wolf Dog hybrid. It is said that petting this dog is nothing less than a wild wolf. These dogs are hunter since birth.

They are very good at killing other animals and eating them but there is a problem related to Wolf Dog hybrid that It becomes very difficult to distinguish a wolf dog and wild wolf because their texture and action looks completely like a wolf.

Therefore, people are also very much frightened by seeing wolf hybrid dog, a young child has to be protected from the dog of this species  because they keep eyes on a children as prey.

#2  Tosa inu

Huge in size and heavy in weight, Tosa inu dog breed is also called as Fighter Breed or Dog of the Samurai. Tosa inu dog is very powerful and can weigh up to 90 kg.

They do not tolerate the presence of People and other animals at all,so people who pet them keep Other animals such as parrot, pigeon and cat to be protected from them.This species of dogs is very rare, so they are priced from ₹ 1 lac to ₹ 12 lac.

Although, they are given special training not to attack humans. Tosa inu dogs have been banned completely in many countries such as Norway and malta due to being very strong and aggressive, because they believe that keeping such dangerous dogs they are not less than  weapons which can become uncontrollable at any time and the owner himself can also kill someone by attacking this dog for his own purpose.

#3  American Pitbull terrior

Whenever it comes to a dangerous dog dreaded dog then the name of American Pitbull comes up. There is no other species like Pitbull dogs in the whole world. These dogs can be good as well as very dangerous. There is so much strength in their jaws that if anything comes in their mouth, they do not leave it easily.

Due to this being fatal and deady, the criminals of many countries started attacking people by these dogs to kill any people, which brought a lot of disrepute to these dogs and they were seen from the eyes of the killer. Despite being small in size, can seriously injure any person in one stroke.

Confidence in american pitbull dogs is very codified, due to which they can prove to be very dangerous and aggressive. Due to their aggressive nature one who pet these dog breeds has to learn to socialize them or to mingle with other people since childhood.

Stubborn effect
Nobody walks in front of their anger. Due to their stubborn effect, If they are determined to attack and kill another dog then the owner himself can not control them. pitbull is famous all over the world due to uncontrollable attacking to another.

Attacking ,seriously injuring other animals and people, all of this due to lack of proper training and  Owner's negligence results. Pitbull are considered to be breed of fighter dogs, so the amount of training they are given not to attack other people that doesn't matter to them. Attacking is in their blood, that is why they are completely banned by the Miami Dade dogs in Florida and Ontario Canada as well as many other countries.

#4  Fila brasielaro

These dogs, found in Brazil, are known for their super cracking ability, aggression and aggressive nature. They are specially pet for hunting wild boar and jaguar.

This is one of the very aggressive dog. Whenever one bothers them or when they get angry on any animal or person, then it becomes very difficult for them to escape.

These dogs were also used to feed and care for animals. Only one dog of this species is enough to drive away the hordes of hunted animals.

Sometimes, when they lose their temper then They get out of control of their owner and if they get angry, then their owner also considers it right to stay away from them. This dog likes unknown people very little and also has more confidence in attacking than barking.

#5  Press Canario Or bull Mastiff

These dogs are also called as fighting dogs because the main purpose of their life is to fight, and for this reason Bull Mastiff are pet . These dogs are very large and can weigh up to 70 kg.

Being very hyperactive and ready to attack at any time, they become very difficult to control due to being very powerful. 

Although they are very loyal to their owner, but they have to be trained since childhood for all kinds of habits because after growing up it becomes very difficult to teach them.

It was in 2001 that their coach was training a couple of Bull Mastiff breed in a house in San Francisco, in which both dogs became very aggressive and attacked their trainer and killed him. Due to which the breed of these dogs became very infamous and banned in Australia and New Zealand.

Later Marjorie knoller, the owner of these dogs, was imprisoned for 15 years in the second degree murder charge of a trainer.

#6  Rottweiler

Rottweiler dogs are being used mostly in police and military, so this dog is included in the category of search, rescue and guard dogs, although these dogs are very good and well mannered but sometimes they are very dangerous and deadly.

It may be that to pet Rottweiler dogs is a very difficult task in itself because they need a big place and open ground. To meet other people, They have to be taught from childhood because their one-time attack can reach direct anyone to the hospital.

Rottweiler dog breed have to be very loving because they are very dominating in nature. If the Rottweiler becomes uncontrollable, they sometimes even attacks their owner and these dogs are considered to be the biggest attackers on their owners, despite their obedient & good nature and always attuned to work, Due to this reason people like to pet them such a dangerous breed.

#7  Dogo argentino

Dogo Argentino is a large size white muscular dog breed. They are known for their strength of body and hunting abilities. These dogs developed in Argentina and are used for hunting wild boar fishes and other animals. Because of this, these dogs kill animals larger than themselves with the help of their force and powerful jaws. 

Dogo argentino dogs later came to be used for human protection, but being so strong dogs, it is very important to train them not to attack humans from the beginning, in many countries these dogs are also included in dog fighting. Dogo argentino does not like to lose in any fight.

If become uncontrollable, then dogo argentino can even take the life of any human being. Therefore, To pet them is not an easy task. This dog breed is banned in many countries including Australia, New Zealand and Portugal, because of being very dangerous.

#8  Neapolitan mastiff

Large in size, Neapolitan mastiff are known for their protection skills. They are specialize in guarding humans' homes, properties and farms. Their origins are from Italy, Where in older times they were used for a battle with Bhishma and bloodshed with a gladiator.

War dogs
Romans also used Neapolitan mastiff as war dogs and used to take Neapoliton mastiff along themselves in the war. The dog with dripping saliva that is shown in Harry potter is a Neapoliton Mastiff. They are extremely protective of their family and owner.

Neapolitan mastiff dogs bark only when needed and are immediately alerted to the small unknown movement. These dogs have a history of wars and fighting, because of which their ability to bear pain and wounds is much more than other dogs.

They do not need to be trained to protect their owner, because this quality comes in them from birth to birth. Although these dogs are very sensible but in some situations, except the owner, attacking other members of the house has often been seen at a young age.

Neapoliton mastiff become more aggressive towards young children. In countries like Singapore and Romania, a special certificate and licenses for petting them  is required.

#9  Bandog

Bandog species are absolutely not for the first time owner, because such a dangerous dogs need attention throughout the day . The behavior of the bandogs depend entirely on their upbringing. This dog is powerful as well as very angressive and protective, It is in their nature to be loyal and caring to their owners. 

Bandog breeds are not allowed to be kept as a family pet because these dogs have more interest in sports and physical training than fun, and they are much better than other dogs in learning clever and smart experience very quickly and which can make them both either bad or good.

Bandog's jaws are very strong, when they catch something once, then they leave it according to their wish. It is impossible to see children and other dogs around them. They become more alert & they make a sudden attack with their clever mind. This dog is not less than a weapon in itself, Therefore, in many countries, petting them is a legal offense.

#10  Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan mastiff  are large size dogs with heavy and thick hair, their neck is surrounded by thick hair like a lion, they are also called as lion dogs.

Used as
Tibetan mastiff dog (mostly found in mountain area) are strong and large, used to guard sheeps in beginnings. They used to protect these animals from wolf, cheetah, bears and tigers. They were used for guarding these animals.

They are not like a common dog with which we could have fun. To keep these dogs under control, a person is needed who is very powerful and strong, although in the nature they are a little calm but to assert their rights over other dog and to control them and put pressure on them is included in the blood of Tibetan Mastiff.

Therefore, to pet a Tibetan mastiff,  a person needs a lot of training and understanding, any unknown people are not liked by them and when there is a new person around them then they become absolutely alert and keep their eyes on that new person.

They can smash any human or animal with their claws and body weight without using their teeth because of being heavy and powerful. Despite being so weighty, they are very active.

So these were the most dangerous dogs found around the world

Sri lankan Dog Breeds

In the series of Asian dog breeds, Today we will discuss about Sri Lankan dog breeds. Sinhala Hound is one of the most popular dog breed in Sri Lanka.

I researched a lot about Sri Lankan dog breeds but I was not able to find find much more dog breeds in Sri Lanka except Sinhala hound because only some dogs are found in Sri Lanka that is why I wrote article on Sinhala hound.

Before starting this article I would like to ask question that 'which dog has made the world record of loudest dog and barked with 113.3 decimal.
If you know the answer then give me answer in comment. If don't then be patient i will give answer in the end of this article.

Sinhala hound

General information of Sinhala hound:

  • Name: Sinhala hound, Sinhalese hound, Rice hound and street dog of Sri Lanka.
  • Origin: Sri Lanka
  • Group: Hunting Dogs
  • Size: Medium size
  • Weight: 9 to 12 kg Or 20 to 26 pounds
  • Height:13 to 16 inches Or 1 to 1.5 feet
  • Coat: Double, thick and soft coat
  • Color: Black, Black and Tan, Sable and brown-red
  • Temperament: Active, alert, playful, affectionate and intelligent dog breed

What is Sinhala?
Sinhala is the mother tounge of Sinhalese people and it is the second largest spoken language in Sri Lanka.

The breed of Sinhala or Sinhalese hound is found in Sri Lanka and some places of India Sinhala dogs are produced by breeding Kadar dogs and Indian primitive dogs like Indian Pariah dog but some people believe that Sinhala Hound was bred around 4500 BC when people started to keep domestic dogs to drive game.

Sinhala dog can be trained very easily but sometimes they also behaves very aggressively but if you are a good trainer then you can handle it easily.

Vedda people used to keep Sinhala dog for hunting. They considered Sinhala dog more valuable than arrow, bow and hunting weapons. Sinhala dogs are one of the best guard and watch-dog  in Sri Lanka.

Sinhala dogs are mostly territorial. They are very protective of their property, if Sinhala dogs feel anything wrong then they will inform you very soon.

Now a days, The Breed of Sinhala dog is on the verge of ending and it is also included in the count of endangered species that is why it is our responsibility to guard this dog well if you are in Sri Lanka and have this dog breed then you should take care of Sinhala hound and provide the facility that can be done for their health and request the Government of Sri Lanka to create some organisation to get some help. If this is not done then again we will never see Sinhala dog after few days.

Major Problem:
I think "you are the best dog-lover in your family". if it is true then tap 'yes'. If you have Sinhala then you are luckiest person because Sinhala dogs are very special. 
But there may be a problem with you.
Does your dog not sit in the house Or get bored by sitting?
The answer will be off course 'yes'. I'll suggest you if there is a dog park in your area then you must go to the park daily with your dog. 
By going there, Your dog will find an environment which they will like very much and you will also find people who can help you a lot.
But before, That a question arises whether your dog is able to go at the park.
How is the nature of your dog that your Sinhala will not be angry with other dogs Or will not bark at seeing other dogs.
If not, what should you do?
since childhood, make the habit of your dog to dissolve in that environment.

As before starting this article I asked you a question.
The answer of that question is 'Golden dog breed'.
If you want to know more these facts of dog then click here....

Most Popular Dog Breeds In Pakistan | Pakistani Dog Breeds

In the series of Asian dog breeds today, we will talk about Pakistani dog breeds.These are the most popular dog breeds in Pakistan.

Mostly large dog breeds are found in Pakistan. Some of them are very dangerous and rare which are only found in Pakistan.

Before starting the article I would like to ask question.
"Do you know that What is the type of dog breed which has recorded the name in Guinness World Record for keeping five regular size tennis ball in its mouth?"
I think you will be curious to know the answer. If you know the answer then give me a comment. If don't then let me tell you answer in the end of this blog.


Top 3 Dog Breeds in Pakistan

Gull Terrior
Gull Terrier is a tall, medium-sized, broad chest and Mollosser type dog breed that is most commonly found in Pakistan also called by the name as Gull Terr. Gull Terrier has white, smooth and short coat.Gull terrior is a faearless dog breed that need a good and experience owner to train and control easily.

Gull Terrior get suspicious on seeing a stranger and they are very extremely powerful, protective and loyal dog breed to their owner. They are large dog breeds. It is very important that your Gull Terrior should be socialized from childhood.

Gull Terrior Dogs have very good structure and routine that need a good exercise, Gull Terrior dogs are very active. In history Gull terrior dogs  were used in dog-fighting that is why they can behave very aggressively with other dogs.

like every strong dog, Gull Terr dogs should also have a leader from the beginning it should be told in childhood that you are their leader. Gull terr are very active and energetic dog breed and need a daily long-walk to burn their energy.

Gull Terr dog was bred when India-Pakistan were under British rule. British brought British Gull Terrior with them then the British Gull Terrier was bred with local Indian dog like Bully kutta to produce Gull Terrier. Gull terr is like a gladiator found in the rural areas of Pakistan. 

When needed they keep fighting till their last breath for the protection of their owner, they can also be used as an ideal guard dog. In Pakistan they are very famous for their fast speed and accuracy. They are agile dog and agility is always on their feet.

Bully kutta
Do you like big size dog very much?
I don't know about you but I have seen many people that often like large size dog too much. Have you thought ever that "the large size of their body is a boon or a curse for them". I am saying it because like Bully dogs were not a fighting dog but due to their large size, they were used in dog-fighting. We have made dogs combative which is probably not true for them.

Due to their large size, they have been given name "The Bully". Bully dogs are ranked fourth in the ranking of strongest dog breed and fall within the top 10 in the ranking of large dog breed. Bully Dog are found in the border of both India and Pakistan. 

Their coat is very short, smooth and plain color may be white, Black and brown. They can be identified by wrinkled face and the color of nose is black and thier chest is very broad. The way of walking of Bully kutta is like the lions. This is one of the most popular dog breeds in Pakistan.

There is death-war between Bully kutta and Tibetan Mastiff, American bully, Gull dong. Bully Dogs are not for small families or small houses, they need a big open ground where they can exercises and roam well. 

Bully dogs are very intelligent and dominant dog breed they are also a very good guard, territorial and fearless dog breed. Most of other dogs in their territory are not seen because as soon as the other dog enters in the territory of Bully Dog then Bully dogs attack very dangerous to them because of this reason they have been banned in UK & US.

Talking about their health disease, There is almost no healthy desease in Bully kutta. If you keep them from the beginning in a place where they are born then they will mostly have no problem and this dog can easily survive in a warm place.

You can easily get a pure breed of bully kutta from 10-20 thousand but it is not so easy to pet a Bully kutta, If you are thinking to pet Bully Dogs, then you have to socialize them from beginning and you will have to be a firm leader and maybe if you find it in india then you may have to issue a permission to pet Bully kutta but there is no problem to pet Bully kutta in Punjab because it is very common to have a Bully dog breed in Punjab.

Pakistani shepherd dog

Also known by the name of Bhagyari dog. Bhagyari is derived from a Punjabi word "Bhagyaar" which means a wolf. Generally dog is called kutta in hindi. Bhagyari Dog is found in the areas of Punjab and Sindh which are in Pakistan.

There are three types of Pakistani Shepherd dog. Bhagyari dogs are strong, muscular and wolf type dog breed. They have round and black eyes and sol of their legs are very hard which helps them in running.  

The Bhagyari dog looks almost like a German Shepherd when British came to India they spread a rumour that the dogs of India can neither be a good guard nor they can be of any use and Indian dogs can not be trained easily but they are like a wild animal the reason for the rumour was to sell their British dog breed. 

The rumour spread all over India very soon and in this way British sold their dog breed very easily that is the reason as much as we see foreign dog breed today in India and Pakistan is due to the British. 

At that time because of this rumour people considered Indian and Pakistani dog breed as a useless and untrainable animal. But at the same time people started paying more attention to Bhagyari dogs because they were one of the rare dog breeds in the world. 

Bhagyari dogs are best guard dogs in pakistan but can not be used as a bodyguard. If you have a bhagyari dog and do  guarding it is like an alarm that cannot be snoozed. In ancient times this dog was used to handle the flock of wolves, they are about 20 to 25 inches in height and can weigh up to 30 to 40 Kg. 

If you have this dog breed then you should bath your dog only when needed, over-bathing can also cause skin disease. Most of the people like Bhagyari dog due to being a smart dog, Bhagyari is a fast, agile and self confident dog.

These were the series of "best dog breed in Pakistan". As before starting this blog I asked you a question.
Here is answer" Golden Retriever made this record". If you want to know more about Golden Dog Retriever then click here,......

Rare Dog Breeds

Today we will talk about such dog breeds which are very rare to see in the world and you may not have heard their name also.

For the last thousand of years, Dogs have been proved to be very loyal and the companion of humans. In many families, if there is no Dog then their family is not fulfilled, therefore we should give importance as a family member to every dog.

Right now we are going to talk about such dogs which are found very rarely in the world. There are five rare dog breeds in this blog.

Before starting this article, I would like to ask you a question, Do you know which dog in the world can bark continuously for several hours without stopping?, If you know then give me an answer in the comment and if you don't know then let me tell you the answer in the last part of this blog.

1.Merle Pitbull
If anybody asks me "which is the most dangerous dog in the world?"  My answer would be Pitbull. Many years ago, Pitbull used to be a very   infamous dog breed, the reason for their infamy was that they used to attack anyone but With the time humans took control over Pitbull.

Merle pitbull is the rarest in all of these Pitbull. Merle Pitbull's color would be very ugly and weird and this is the reason which makes them so rare. It seems that someone has sprayed them with two different colors.


We may find it strange to the appearance of some dog, but that's probably not true for them. When the catalburun was bred all were surprised to see them because there were two noses of catalburun. Cataburun's nose was divided into two different parts and this quality or drawback makes catalburun a Hunter dog. Catalburun can smell their Prey from a far distance.

They are not yet recognized in the worldwide due to which few of the catalburun exists on the earth. These are very rare dogs.

3.Bergamasco shepherd

If you look at this dog closely you will suspect that it is the dog or that is something else. The original home of these dogs in bergamo in Italy because of this they were named Bergamasco.

Due to the extremely cold areas in Italy, there is too much hair on their body, not only to avoid the cold but these hairs are very useful to them. They are not made for living in homes. They like openness very much due to which breeders make excuses by breeding them that is the reason why this dog is so rare.

4.Tibetan Mastiff

This is a dog which is considered very old because this dog is mentioned in the historical pages of 3rd and 4th century. This big and haired dog is found in the Himalayas and it is amazing that a Tibetan Mastiff can weigh up to 60 to 80 kgs.

It is not easy for anyone to take care of such a large dog & it is impossible to keep Tibetan Mastiff at home, they need a special and large garden that is why this dog is included in the count of rare dog breeds.


The story of dogs begin 5000 years ago in Central Africa.  Basenji dogs have many and different special abilities that make them very rare first of all this dog cannot Bark, yah! really, you read correctly that they cannot bark ever.

Basenji dogs make a different sound and the tail of Basenji dog remains 360 degrees, where average dogs can produce up to 12 to 15 puppies at one time but at the same time Basenji dog cannot produce more than 4 puppies, this may be the reason for their being rare dogs.

So before starting this article, I asked you that which dog in the world can bark continuously for many hours without stopping?
The answer is Bakharwal dog if you want to read more about it then click on this blog and know more about Bakharwal dog......